Edel Neno

Edel neno


Edel Alonso Bello (Neno)
b. 1982
Matanzas, Cuba

Neno’s artistic practice comes from an introspective, spiritual and symbolic environment. He uses collage and photomontage as expressive resources prior to painting. These decontextualized images and heterogenous fragments create dramatic visuals.

In the series “Epic”, circumstances and experiences become analogies of a battle. “Epic” makes reference to ancient Asian martial arts and their inherent philosophical dimensions. The zoomorphic and mythological figures convey the idea of the sophistication of the senses and acute animal instinct as part of our complex human experience.

”The Mountain” appears as an apocalyptic and redemptive vision in the form of an armed centaur about to execute the final blow, “The Master” depicts a deeply transformative experience - embodied in a single figure, master and apprentice correlate as Yin and Yang, and in “Hermes”, transporter and protector of the message moves along the path in restlessness.

Neno, graduated from the Academia de Artes Plásticas Roberto Diago Querol in Matanzas, Cuba with a specialty in painting. He currently lives and works in Punta del Este, Uruguay.