
Stacying With Artists

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Ok, so it’s not technically an exhibition. It is however a tv show. A tv show about art featuring yours truly, Andres Conde and the tribe of artists we know and love. The show airs Sunday, March 22nd at 8:00 pm on The Beach Channel. No Beach Channel?  No problem. Download The Beach Channel App, available at the Apple App Store, Amazon App Store, and Google Play or search The Beach Channel on Roku, Fire Stick, Apple TV or Amazon TV. …you can also just click the link a the end of this post and scroll to the bottom of the page.

”Stacying [Stay-see-ing] verb the act of conversing, dealing, loving, shaping, laughing, teaching, and being taught in a way that is distinctly, uniquely, incredibly Stacy. And that’s the premise of our show; Stacy doing what Stacy does with the artists she works with at her gallery. Candidly conversing with creators- on what inspires them, on what their process looks like, on what segments of pop culture they secretly indulge in. Mixing the sacredness of art with the profanity of van chit chats, Stacy is our liaison into an artist’s mind to find out maybe they aren’t so different from us, the unrefined masses, after all. All over food, wine and most importantly- cafecito. 

Each episode will start at Conde Contemporary, our home base, with our familiars Stacy and Andres…”
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Stacy Conde